Friday, April 15, 2022

Communicating Through Story and Song

 I just read an article in the Wall Street Journal.

Here is the article, click here

It is called "How to Communicate With People Suffering From Dementia".

It has research from Professor Anne Basting which helps families of Alzheimer's patients using storytelling, song and other arts.

She gives an example of working with a group of nursing home patients. She showed them a picture of a cowboy. Asked them, "What should we call him?" A resident gave the them, "Fred". Basting said, "What is his last name?" Someone yelled, "Astaire", It followed with "What does he live?" Someone said, "Oklahoma", and another resident sang, "Where the wind comes sweeping down the plain". 

That activity got the residents talking and singing.

The takeaways, stay away from "yes" and "no" questions! Have fun.

My advice: bring in pictures showing actors, singers, anything cultural from the olden days.  Gather your loved one and other residents and ask fun questions about the pictures. Remember, there are no correct answers, just joy!

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