Saturday, January 18, 2025

Stay for a Little While

This video still resonates with me! The beneficial effects of children on those with dementia is so strong.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

How Ottawa Charge's Zoe Boyd navigated family tragedy to achieve pro hockey

This story resonates with me. I was a young caregiver to my grandmother, and Zoe was a caregiver to her mother who suffered traumatic brain injury. We need more stories for youth members. We are not alone. LOVE ALWAYS REMAINS

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Good Morning America

This picture popped up on my Google photo memories today. I was only 9 year old, but it was the start of my journey serving the Alzheimer's community. It was amazing meeting the other two social impact leaders, Brandon and Katie! Will Smith was very kind and mentioned how Alzheimer's disease impacted his life as well!