Thursday, March 31, 2022

Growing Up On The Grid

 I love science and want to study neuroscience (brain science) when I grow up. I read an interesting finding that was published in Nature. 

It mentions that people who grew up in areas like NYC or Chicago that have buildings lined up in grids have a tougher time navigating how to get around.

It seems that people who grew up in rural areas have better navigational skills.

Researchers have developed virtual navigation tests to see if people have decline in "finding their way" abilities.

My thought is that we need to challenge ourselves. If you live in an area that is very grid like, you need to spend time in rural areas.

There is an app called Sea Hero Quest which is a fun game that tests navigational skills and does Alzheimer's research in the UK.  click here

To read an article from the New York Times about it click here

For science kids who want to read the difficult research article click here

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