Kid Caregivers is a 501c3 nonprofit organization which supports and empowers children who are acting as caregivers. Our mission is to help young people cope and to enliven the lives of adults living with Alzheimer's disease. We offer intergenerational Puzzle Time programs and training to enhance eldercare globally. We encourage young people to use their skills to benefit the dementia community.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Disparities in The Alzheimer's Community Social Justice Within the Alzheimer's Community: Dr. Nii-Quartelai Quartey
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Kid Caregivers Donates 1000 Puzzles to ARTIS Senior Living for COVID-19 Relief
We have exciting news! The ThredUp Store ( had a wonderful campaign. During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic when several states had a "shelter in place", ThredUp had an amazing incentive. During the shelter in place, many people turned to jigsaw puzzle-solving as a relaxing pastime. When they were finished with all of their puzzles, they wanted to donate them. ThredUp the world's largest consignment online thrift store, had a wonderful offer. The plan was for every puzzle donated to their store, they would donate a meal to Feeding America ( Thousands of generous donors sent in their puzzles and they amassed 12,000 puzzles! They closed the initiative in May. ThredUP needs their warehouse space. Their warehouse has 12,000 puzzles in need of a home! That part is where Kid Caregivers comes to the rescue! If you know of an organization on the East Coast that is willing to take a bulk order of 1000 puzzles in which to distribute them to nursing homes, memory care facilities, etc, please reach out to us! We are working with middle and high school students who will distribute the puzzles with us and receive volunteer service credit. We also have OUTDOOR Puzzle Time! Using COVID-19 precautions our volunteers can STILL participate in our Intergenerational Puzzle Time Program. Student volunteers wear masks and follow safety guidelines. Read the story here
Sunday, November 1, 2020
ThredUp Consignment Company donates 12,000 Puzzles To Kid Caregivers for COVID-19 Relief
We have exciting news! The ThredUp Store ( had a wonderful campaign. During the height of the Covid-19 pandemic when several states had a "shelter in place", ThredUp had an amazing incentive. During the shelter in place, many people turned to jigsaw puzzle-solving as a relaxing pastime. When they were finished with all of their puzzles, they wanted to donate them. ThredUp the world's largest consignment online thrift store, had a wonderful offer. The plan was for every puzzle donated to their store, they would donate a meal to Feeding America ( Thousands of generous donors sent in their puzzles and they amassed 12,000 puzzles! They closed the initiative in May. ThredUP needs their warehouse space. Their warehouse has 12,000 puzzles in need of a home! That part is where PuzzlesToRemember comes to the rescue! If you know of an organization on the East Coast that is willing to take a bulk order of 1000 puzzles in which to distribute them to nursing homes, memory care facilites, etc, please reach out to us! We are working with middle and high school students who will distribute the puzzles with us and receive volunteer service credit. Read the story here
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
Music and Memory and the iPod Shuffle
1) Buy headphones
2) Download music onto an iPod Shuffle (it helps if you know the music that your family member enjoys)
3) Listen to the music TOGETHER
4) Dance or just move your arms, but keep time to the music!
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
I Lost My Best Friend
On April 14, 2020, my mom received the worst phone call of her life. The doctor called to tell her that Grandma died.
I am still in shock. We all are heartbroken. The likely cause was COVID-19. Grandma is now a statistic along with 800,000 other Americans who were lost to this horrible virus.
Grandma was 96 years old. I never got a chance to say "good bye". It was really hard! Due to COVID-19 lockdowns I could no longer visit my sweet grandma.
She never understood why I "abandoned her. I tried very hard to be cheerful for the Zoom sessions with her. This is the last picture of us together. I am not the only kid who lost a family member.
I will always love my grandma, and will continue to provide a shoulder to lean on, tips, and support to other caregiving youth. I know it is what grandma would have wanted. I know she is proud of me.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Here Our Voices! 117th Congress (2021-2022) Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Act H.R. 1474
As you may know, I am an Alzheimer's Advocate and have been sharing my young voice for many years! Hopefully this bill will be granted! This bill authorizes grants to increase support and training services for caregivers and families of individuals living with Alzheimer's disease or related dementia. Also the department of Human Services may award these grants to community organizations and health care and social service providers.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Puzzle Time Spreads to 4 States and 7 Countries
PuzzleTime is a program begun by PuzzlesToRemember and KidCaregivers. In addition to supplying a dementia facility with donated Springbok PuzzlesToRemember, teens are paired up with each facility. Usually monthly or bimonthly, these teens visit dementia facilities, bringing these puzzles with them. They spend a few hours at the facility, interacting with the residents and helping them do the puzzles. The students receive community service credits for their efforts.
Both the students and the residents find the experience to be very rewarding, and both groups always look forward to the next session. Below is a photo of a group of students showing up for PuzzleTime at Azalea Gardens, a dementia care facility in Tallahassee Florida.