Sunday, August 21, 2022

Amazing Work From Our Puzzle Ambassador to Brazil, Kevin Aldridge!

 Kevin went on a trip to Brazil and implemented Puzzle Time there. Here are his words:

"Implementing Puzzle Time in Brazil was a success! I worked with two senior living facilities there—Residencial Longévité and Abrigo Mariana Magalhães (AMMA). Both homes were very receptive towards the project and the residents were amazing as well. In addition to implementation, I trained volunteers there and also the staff members at the homes to continue the project. Also, we were able to consolidate all the puzzles into our baggages so there was no extra baggage fee. Attached below is a google drive link to photos and videos of the visits. Thank you so much for all the puzzles, support, and effort for expanding Puzzle Time!"

He took many pictures and videos. Here are are a few highlights. 

If you are visiting another country and would like to start the Puzzle Time there, please email us at 

The smiling faces and hugs are all that we need to see what a success it was!

To view all of his incredible service work in Brazil click the link.Here is a link to the Google Drive

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  1. اذا كنت تلعب لعبة جاتا 5 اكيد تبحث شفرات جاتا 5 كاملة للكمبيوتر لكي تسهل عليك تنفيذ كل المهام المطلوبة منك بكل سهولة
